Getting Started with Amazon EC2: A Beginner’s

GuideAmazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is one of the core services offered by AWS (Amazon Web Services). It provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud, making it easy to scale your applications as needed. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the basics of setting up an EC2 instance and getting started with cloud computing.

What is Amazon EC2?
Amazon EC2 is a web service that provides scalable virtual servers, known as instances, in the cloud. These instances can run applications, host websites, and perform a variety of tasks, similar to physical servers but with the flexibility and scalability of the cloud.Why Use EC2?

Scalability: Easily scale your computing resources up or down based on demand.

Cost-Effective: Pay only for the resources you use with a pay-as-you-go pricing model.

Flexibility: Select from a diverse range of instance types, each finely tuned to cater to your specific tasks and requirements.

Setting Up Your First EC2 Instance

Step 1: Sign in to AWS Management Console
Go to the AWS Management Console.
Log in with your AWS credentials or create a new account if you don’t have one.

Step 2: Launch an EC2 Instance
Navigate to EC2:In the AWS Management Console, select “EC2” from the services menu.
Start the Launch Instance Wizard:Click on the “Launch Instance” button.
Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI):Select an AMI that suits your needs. For a basic setup, choose the “Amazon Linux 2 AMI” (64-bit x86).
Choose an Instance Type:Select the instance type based on your requirements. For beginners, the “t2.micro” instance is eligible for the free tier.
Configure Instance Details:Configure the number of instances, network settings, and other parameters. For now, you can leave the default settings.
Add Storage:Specify the size and type of storage for your instance. The default settings are typically sufficient for basic use.
Add Tags:Tags help you organize and manage your resources. You can add tags like “Name: MyFirstInstance”.
Configure Security Group:Create a new security group or opt for an existing one to safeguard your resources. Make sure SSH access (port 22) is enabled to connect to your instance.Review and Launch:Review your settings and click the “Launch” button.
Select Key Pair:Create a new key pair or utilize an existing one. Ensure you download the private key file (.pem) and store it securely. You will need it to connect to your instance.

Step 3: Connect to Your EC2 Instance
Obtain the Public IP Address:Go to the EC2 Dashboard, select your instance, and find the public IP address.
Connect Using SSH:Open your terminal and run the following command:
Copy code
ssh -i /path/to/your-key.pem ec2-user@your-instance-public-ip
Replace /path/to/your-key.pem with the path to your downloaded key file and your-instance-public-ip with the actual IP address.
Verify the Connection:You should be connected to your EC2 instance and see the command line prompt of the Amazon Linux server.
Best Practices for EC2
Use IAM Roles: Attach IAM roles to your instances for secure access to other AWS services.
Monitor and Scale: Use CloudWatch to monitor your instances and set up Auto Scaling to handle changes in demand.
Secure Your Instance: Regularly update your instance, configure security groups properly, and use key pairs for secure access.

Amazon EC2 is a powerful and flexible tool for running applications and hosting services in the cloud. By following this guide, you’ve learned how to set up and connect to your first EC2 instance. Start experimenting with different instance types, configurations, and applications to get the most out of EC2.