Case Studies AgroBEET

Multigenesys Helping Organizations Manage Robust Software systems Consulting Services

About Clients

AgroBEET is a pioneering AgriTech solution dedicated to simplifying farm accounting for farmers worldwide. The AgroBEET mobile application offers a comprehensive platform for farmers to manage their farm income and expenses efficiently. With support for multiple languages and currencies, along with a centralized dashboard for farmer management, AgroBEET empowers farmers with modern digital tools for streamlined financial management.

Client Name


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User-Friendly Design

Designing an app that is intuitive and easy to use, considering the diverse technological literacy levels among farmers.

Data Management

Handling large volumes of data generated by farmers globally and ensuring seamless performance and scalability of the application.


Ensuring that the application is scalable to accommodate the growing user base across different regions.


Backend Technologies

  • Firebase


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Java Script
  • Angular
  • jQuery


  • Flutter


  • Google Cloud

App Functionality

Start Farm Accounting With One Click

Farmers can initiate farm accounting effortlessly by downloading the AgroBEET app for free.

Separate Account For Each Crop

Create individual accounts for different crops, enabling accurate tracking of income and expenses for each crop.

Easy Category Creation

Farmers can categorize farming income and expenses conveniently, facilitating comprehensive record-keeping.

Expense Tracking for Each Crop

Maintain a crop-wise balance sheet to monitor expenses and ensure cost control.

Analysis for Yield and Profit

Generate reports to analyze the profitability of each crop and make informed decisions for future planting.

Identify Profitable Crops

Utilize crop-wise balance sheets to determine which crops yield the highest returns, aiding in strategic decision-making.


  • Mobile Application : AgroBEET developed a mobile application using Flutter, providing farmers with a user-friendly interface to manage their farm finances. The app features include creating separate accounts for each crop, categorizing expenses and income, generating reports, and accessing farm accounting tools on-the-go.
  • Admin Panel or Dashboard : An intuitive admin panel was developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular, and jQuery. This dashboard provides centralized management of farmers’ data, including personal information, number of farms, and subscription details. Additionally, the admin panel facilitates sending in-app notifications to farmers, ensuring effective communication.
  • Website in WordPress : AgroBEET’s website was built using WordPress, offering a visually appealing and informative platform to showcase the business. The website serves as a hub for potential users to learn about AgroBEET’s services, features, and benefits. It also provides resources such as tutorials, FAQs, and customer support to assist users in utilizing the AgroBEET platform effectively.



Attained an outstanding 500% growth in overall business.


Positive Reaction

Garnered enthusiastic responses from users, with a satisfaction rate of 95%.


Rapid Business Growth

AgroBEET witnessed exponential growth, onboarding over 70,000 farmers globally, indicating the widespread adoption and effectiveness of the platform.

High Subscription Rate

Approximately 30% of the onboarded farmers subscribed to AgroBEET’s services, demonstrating the value and utility perceived by the user base.

Global Expansion

AgroBEET successfully expanded its business globally, catering to farmers from diverse geographical locations and enhancing accessibility to modern farm accounting tools on a global scale.

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