Case Studies MyJodidar Matrimony

Helping Organizations Manage Robust Software systems Consulting Services

About Clients

MyJodidar Matrimony is a prominent player in the matrimony business, offering both an Android app and a web platform along with an efficient Admin dashboard. With a focus on technological innovation, they provide a comprehensive solution for individuals seeking life partners.

Client Name

 MyJodidar Matrimony

Client Industry

Social Community App


Android App, Web App and Dashboard


Pune, India


Transitioning from traditional offline matchmaking to an online platform posed several challenges for MyJodidar Matrimony. Previously reliant on manual matching through 100+ physical offices, they faced scalability issues and limitations in managing user biodata efficiently. Comparatively, offline matchmaking demanded substantial human effort and lacked the ability to process and match data swiftly.


Biodata Management Efficiency

Managing user biodata efficiently without the reliance on manual processes.

Offline Scalability Challenges

Scalability issues due to the limitations of offline operations.

Matchmaking: Offline vs. Online

Comparing offline matchmaking, which required substantial human effort, with the swift data processing capabilities of online platforms.


Backend Technologies

  • Java
  • SQL
  • MongoDB

Frontend Technologies

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • jQuery
  • JavaScript
  • Angular


  • AWS


  • Native (Java)


  • Android App Development : Developed a feature-rich Android app with functionalities such as profile creation, verification, notifications, search filters, messaging, privacy features, payment services, language support, and more.
  • Website Development : Replicated app functionalities on web platforms for seamless accessibility across devices and browsers.
  • Admin Panel Development : Created an intuitive admin panel offering insights into user details, photo and document verification, profile management, and search functionalities.



Achieved a significant 200% growth in overall business.


Positive Reaction

Received overwhelmingly positive feedback from users, with a satisfaction rate of 90%.


Significant Business Expansion

MyJodidar Matrimony witnessed a remarkable 200% growth in overall business, demonstrating the efficacy of their digital transformation.

Digital Biodata Registrations Surge

Digitally registered 70,000 biodata entries, compared to the previous capacity of handling 10,000 biodata offline, showcasing the platform’s scalability and reach.

Streamlined Matchmaking Process

Implemented automatic matchmaking, enhancing user experience and efficiency in finding suitable matches.

Enhanced Revenue Opportunities

Introduced online payment options through Razorpay, facilitating seamless transactions and opening new revenue streams for the business.

MyJodidar Matrimony’s journey from traditional offline matchmaking to a robust online platform not only addressed scalability issues but also significantly enhanced efficiency and customer satisfaction, ultimately driving substantial business growth. and

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